The trip to Southeast Asia was my first time going out of the country, so I had very little idea what to expect. I prayed leading up to it that I would be expectant for the Lord to work and yet freed of any expectations I was harboring. As the team and I entered this country filled with amazing people, beautiful greenery, and plenty of new foods to taste, I quickly realized it would be nothing like I could have expected. I enjoyed sitting back and taking it all in during the first few days, observing all the little things that were done differently in India. It wouldn't be until the end of the trip that the Lord would really reveal to me how he likes to work in the unexpected moments. The area of ministry that we had planned for and anticipated the most was the conference, which we were able to plan and execute in three different locations. Each of the conferences were definitely highlights of the trip. We had the opportunity to share our hearts with peers living across the world, showing them what it looks like to be vulnerable about struggles that are often kept private and to receive God's forgiveness within a gospel-centered community. I loved being able to meet so many high school and college students at each event. However, what the Lord surprised me with was that the most important lesson I would learn was unrelated to the conference.

We were able to attend another ministry opportunity where we spoke with the student government and teachers at a Christian school in the city. There were 2,000 students and about fifty teachers, most of whom had hearts to reach the students for Christ. As the principal of the school showed us around and introduced us to everyone, we were so encouraged by the love and passion for Christ that we saw. Around 80% of the school's students were not believers, and there were people before us pouring out their hearts and their burdens for their school. The following day after meeting these incredible people, we were able to join a twenty-minute quiet time the principle sets aside every morning for her teachers. As part of their paid work time, they have a time to rest and do a devotion individually but all in a room together. As I sat there in the quiet, I thought through all that was on my mind. There had been so many impactful experiences throughout the week, but I was also feeling convicted about a lot of things. My mind was spinning. Scrolling through some of the Psalms, I came across a verse that I had heard countless times before but had never thought too much about - Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted in the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" The power of this verse struck me in a fresh light, now that I was on the other side of the earth witnessing God's power here firsthand. I could truly be still because no matter what was going on inside my head or what weaknesses I had, God would still be exalted. That's what the verse said, and it was being played out right before me. My prayer is that the faithful believers at this school will continue to have opportunities to share the gospel with the harvest that is around them each day, made up of so many hungry souls. I continue to pray for this school and the church whose leadership we were privileged to partner with throughout the week. May God continue to work through them! I am grateful that the Lord grew my perspective of himself by seeing him work all the way across the world.